Our responsibility


Community, Responsibility and Simplicity


Cibicom Group’s whistleblower scheme allows you to report suspicions of unregulated behavior in complete confidentiality. It is an early warning system aimed at reducing risks and is an important tool for creating high business ethics as well as maintaining customer and public trust in the Cibicom Group. The report can be made openly or anonymously.

Conditions that can be reported cover suspicions of, for example:

  • Corruption
  • Bribery
  • Fraud
  • Document forgery
  • Serious environmental pollution
  • Serious breaches of occupational safetyæ
  • Serious conditions that target an employee (eg violence or sexual assault).

Both external and internal persons can report, and only information about persons and incidents connected to the company can be reported. That is, incidents related to employees of the Cibicom Group, board members, auditors, lawyers, suppliers, etc.

Open reporting: Legal@cibicom.dk

Anonymous report: Whistle (whistleportal.eu)

CSR Code of Conduct for Suppliers

Download our Code of Conduct compliance-document for Suppliers. Sign and return to Cibicom.

Anti-corruption Policies

Read our ABC-Policies for all companies in the Cibicom Group.