Iot connectivity


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Leading IoT system

A nationwide and full-stack IoT infrastructure based on LoRaWAN

Our wireless LoRaWAN® IoT network collects data from sensors all over Denmark and transfer it via
Cibicom’s Nordic LoRaWAN® IoT server to your systems.

What is LoRaWAN®?

LoRaWAN® (Long Range Wide Area Network) is a wireless networking protocol and an open, global, and non-proprietary IoT standard defined by the LoRa Alliance®: An association with over 500 members.

LoRaWAN® enables data sharing over long distances with low power consumption and therefore lower costs. This make the network protocol suitable for IoT infrastructure, because IoT gateways and devices can live for up to 10 years on a single battery.

Furthermore, data is shared with a high level of information security and encrypted by a 128-bit AES key. Effective sub-GHz modulation connects to devices indoors or underground (e.g. in a basement or sewer), which allows for a lot of exciting IoT solutions.

IoT sensors can be placed almost anywhere, and their perfomance is extended due to the low power consumption required by the protocol.

LoRaWAN® is the fastest growing global IoT standard

The standard is based on hardware from Semtech and other electronic companies which produce LoRa chips. It is now a large ecosystem of gateway and sensor manufacturers.

Long range and better battery life

The LoRaWAN® network protocol changes or modualtes radio waves enabeling long-range exchange of information between sensors and gateways using very little energy. This is important due to the increasing number of sensors powered by batteries.

Our IoT highway is ready

Cibicom’s open IoT network collects data wirelessly from sensors all over Denmark and forwards it to your systems via Cibicom’s Nordic LoRaWAN IoT server.

*Subject to local conditions. Cibicom continuously upgrade and future-proof our IoT network to ensure the best user experience.

Roaming provides flexibility

LoRaWAN® architecture is built to easily increase wireless coverage in certain areas by connecting several gateways which are then included in the overall LoRaWAN® network.

Suitable for Smart City and Industry 4.0

The network can monitor indoor climate, waste, water levels, tracking of equipment and vehicles and more. Due to LoRaWAN®’s widespread and global ecosystem, there is a large selection of IoT sensors on the market today.

Video guide: Get started

To get a better idea of how Cibicom’s LoRaWAN® IoT server can help you, we have prepared a series of videos which explain setup, possible functionalities, and general information about our services.

Please note, before you can log in to Cibicom’s server to test the IoT network and add/set up LoRaWAN® gateways, you must have a contract with Cibicom.

24/7/365 monitoring

Cibicom’s Network Operations Centre (NOC) is staffed by highly qualified employees.
We can monitor your solution 24 hours a day, all year round.

IoT – Managed services

You can choose to manage your IoT solution yourself, or you can outsource operation and service to Cibicom – or choose a level somewhere in between.

ISO Certified

Cibicom is certified according to: the quality management system (QMS) ISO9001 and ISO 27001, which ensures high quality of delivery and full control and management of data security and processes etc.

Get of to a good start with Cibicom

Get of to a good start with Cibicom

Together, we analyze your IoT potential and map out your options. This gives you the assurance that your IoT project creates the expected value from day one.

Louis Lütken
Telefon: +45 24 92 00 61


Download product sheet about Cibicom’s IoT Smart Cities and IoT for business

IoT Smart Cities

IoT for businesses

Brochuere IoT