Cibicom since 1925
The story of Cibicom as an organization begins with the first radio broadcast in Denmark

And with the creation of Radio Technical Service under the Post & Telegraph Service, the foundation of Cibicom was a reality.

The transmission up to the transmitters and their operation are still handled by P&T Radio Technical Service.

At the end of the year, the TV broadcast mast on Fyn is also ready.

At the end of the year, the parliament decides to establish Tele Denmark, and P&T's broadcast organization becomes a branch in Tele Denmark.

The company is renamed Digital Radio Cibicom A/S in 2018.

Teracom A/S in Denmark is sold at the end of the year to Agilitas (UK) and changes its name to Cibicom A/S.

The company becomes a 100% owned subsidiary of Cibicom A/S named Cibicom Services A/S.

Cibicom A/S aquires Norwegian ICE Group's Danish business ICE Danmark - also known as Net1 - and its national 450MHz based 4G mobile network.
The new company continues under the name Cibicom Mobility.