Our responsibility
CSR-policies for companies in the Cibicom Group
Cibicom A/S
Cibicom Services A/S
Cibicom Mobility ApS
Telpartner A/S
Sense Solutions ApS
Community, Responsibility and Simplicity
Together, we take responsibility for making it simple. In Cibicom, that is our focus. This community and responsibility imply to us not only a responsibility to our internal community, but to the community we are all a part of. Therefore, we, as a responsible company, commit ourselves and our suppliers to live up to standards that are just and sustainable. Our Code of Conduct is as our CSR-policy based on general principles, which are a part of
Our CSR-policy applies to us internally and externally. We have a responsibility to our employees and we have a responsibility to our society.

The principles
Cibicom and our suppliers support the 10 principles regarding human and labor rights, initiatives for environmental friendliness and opposition to all kinds of corruption and bribery.
These 10 principles we call our CSR-principles, but it is our ambitions and collective effort that constitute our CSR-policy.
Our CSR-principles are felt throughout the organization, but our CSR-policy is more than principles, they are actions.
Our CSR-policy makes it possible to take responsibility and ensure the community we are all a part of.
In Cibicom, we focus on our impact of the environment and constantly seek to expand our possibilities in environmental friendliness. Therefore, we seek to avoid unnecessary waste of food and resources, to recycle and reuse, ensure correct handling and classification of waste and to reduce our water and energy consumption and CO2-emissions wherever possible.
In Cibicom we aim at reducing our climate footprint with 50% (measured from 2019)
At our place of work, we ensure that there are a minimum of noise, smell or light inconveniences to affect our work environment, so that our employees may have the best of options to work undisturbed.

Our report on sustainability for 2022 can be found here.
Human and labor rights
Cibicom’s growth is based on a sustainable and responsible approach to our surroundings, and our employees are crucial for our success in this respect. Therefore, we focus on the health, safety and wellbeing of our employees at the workplace.
Besides from living up to our 10 CSR-principles, we especially have a focus on ensuring a healthy and safe work environment through the correct certifications and standards, making sure our employees get their rest, free time and holidays, ensure living wages and privacy of life and opposing undignified treatment at the workplace. That is, of course, why we accept and support both human and labor rights.
Cibicom tolerates no form of corruption. We have introduced measures to ensure that none of our employees accepts any kind of bribery and does not give nor accept especially advantageous offers from persons, agents, intermediaries or other third parties. This also includes offers, hospitality, contributions or sponsorships, which if accepted will be announced transparently.